We occasionally have a litter available.
If you are looking for a guardian dog ( not guard dog), you live on an acerage, farm, homestead or the like and you would like to know more:
Please review our Puppy Contract and the AGCA Code of Ethics, listed below to ensure the terms and our Breeding Program fits your needs.
If you would like more information, send us an email. We look forward to getting to know you.
Our puppies are started indoors,
Raised with Puppy Culture Protocol
At 4-5 weeks moved outdoors to socialize with livestock
Parents OFA CHIC rated ( Hip, Elbow, Patella, Heart tested)
Embark Genetic screening completed
Proven Livestock Guardian Dogs (working with free range poultry, waterfowl, pastured sheep, goats, horses, cattle and pigs. )

As of yet we have not decided who Sykora will be paired off with this year. We have a few choices just waiting back for OFA results.
Planned litters for 2023
Sykora X ??
Planned Litters for 2022
Sykora X Togo
This is a 6 years in the making kind of litter. I have waited impatiently for pups from these 2 litters for a long time. Then waited for them to grow and prove them selves both with temperament, work ethic and health.

Sykora is social, loves car rides and hikes. Is especially fond of her sheep and dairy cows. One of our easiest LGDs to train, she is active and caring but a serious guardian to both livestock and her humans. Started working at 8 weeks and has never faltered.
Togo is social, even tampered, submissive with stock. He is a gentle giant, but when needed is a fierce and smart guardian. Love this boys serious but layed back style.